The Trendy Reader is a blog encompassing all things reading.  Here you can find book reviews and recommendations along with general literacy info, life’s musings, and some cute things to wear.  I operate under the assumption that writing a book is a passionate endeavor and is really f-ing hard to do.  With that said, my reviews are simply my personal reflections about a book and are by no means meant to diminish or discount the tremendous amount of work that went into it.  I believe in authenticity and the importance of identity representation and own voices, and I strive to feature a variety of books in my posts.  Book posts will always include links to Bookshop rather than Amazon, because supporting indie booksellers is the best way to read (and let’s be honest Amazon doesn’t need any more of your money).  My goal with The Trendy Reader is to help you grow your to-be-read list one book at a time, wherever you may find yourself in your reading life.