The Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse

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"She's forgotten how easy it is to lose track of someone; the sum of their parts."

Hi, everyone!  There might actually be above-freezing temps this week in Chicagoland, so we’ve got that going for us!  Had to sneak these book pics in while the snow is still here on account of the snow, ice, avalanche scenes!  But I honestly don’t think this much snow and ice is going anywhere anytime soon.  I paired The Sanatorium, Reese’s February pick, with the darkest mood pants I own, so here we go! 

Book - The Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse

Aaaand the early leader for creepiest novel of the year goes to this moody thriller.  I was very into this book. I loved the darkness, the chill-level, the eeriness of the sanatorium-turned-luxury-hotel setting.  I was guessing left and right at what would happen and who could have been behind the torturous murders.  Unfortunately, the ending just did not bring the novel together for me.  I wasn’t wowed.  I wasn’t like HOOLLLLYYY SHIIIITTT, which is the level I like to be at the end of a thriller.  I’ll write more about the ending in a bit, but first let’s chat about the story line and some of the redeeming qualities of this Reese’s Book Club pick.  BTW, have you downloaded the RBC app?  I’m having so much fun exploring it, adding the books I’ve read, and seeing what everyone else has to say (especially about this one)!

Okay so like I said The Sanatorium is set in a luxury hotel in the Swiss Alps that was once a sanatorium.  What is a sanatorium, you ask?  It’s a medical treatment facility used long ago to care for patients with chronic illness; most commonly, tuberculosis.  Creepy setting already, right?  Add to that the fact that this particular sanatorium was less helpful in terms of TB treatment and more harmful on account of it was used for experimental and often torturous “medical” practices for women who were wrongfully admitted to a German psychiatric facility.  EXTRA CREEPY.  The main characters are Elin, an on-leave detective, and her husband Will.  They are taking a quick holiday at the hotel to celebrate the engagement of Elin’s estranged brother Isaac to Elin’s childhood BFF, Laure.  But what is meant to be a celebratory weekend turns sour quickly, as bodies turn up with eerie signals that their deaths were no accident.  Secrets are kept, secrets are revealed, and no one seems to be as innocent as they appear.  

I loved the feeling of hauntedness that seeped out of the pages of this novel and made me feel like I was a guest at the hotel, feeling everything the characters were feeling and knowing that something bad was definitely happening right under our noses.  Sarah Pearse is definitely a writer who can set a damn scene!  The whole world and ambience she created with the setting was amazing.  She had me living in the Swiss Alps for a weekend.  I also loved the creepy vibes of the gas masks and the lopped-off fingers found with bracelets next to the bodies.  All. The. Chills.  

The big downfall to this one, though, is the ending, in my opinion.  And after reading some reviews from other readers, it appears that it’s either a love or hate ending.  I’m more on the hater side on this one.  The resolution--or I guess non-resolution--just didn’t do it for me.  Like at all.  I’m so bummed because I was super invested, really loved the story, and was prepared to be blown away by a great ending.  BUT, that great ending was more like a fizzle out…#notimpressed.  I just did not feel like the motives were strong enough to justify the brutal killings.  And then there’s the epilogue………...who was that supposed to be??  Isaac??  I think the point is that it is supposed to leave us guessing, but you know I like things wrapped up.  Some are saying there will be a sequel coming??  We’ll see!

All in all, this isn’t my favorite pick from Reese’s Book Club, but it also isn’t my least favorite.  I think it was worth the read, even if the ending was a dud.  It’s definitely a good one to read while there’s snow on the ground and it’s freezing outside; really set the mood, ya know?  RATING:  3 out of 5 

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Look - Leggings - SPANX; Shoes - Target (they come in brown, too!); Chambray - Literally anywhere, but mine is from Target

Okay so you might be thinking that these leggings were a ridiculous thing to order when one is literally going to no outings ever.  And I agree with you.  Like where do I think I am going to wear these?  But I love them so much and lots of celebs and bloggers have them, so I feel like my purchase is justified.  Also the MINUTE I go back to a restaurant you can bet these will be on.  IMO, they are not as restricting (tight) as the other faux leather leggings from SPANX, but they do make some noise when you walk, sit, cross your legs, etc.  Imagine sitting on one of those couches from the old days that’s been covered in plastic to keep it pristine.  That’s the sound.  Maybe it gets less noticeable with more wears, but right now I’m a walking shower curtain liner in these things.  Still working out what shoes go with them though; I’m pretty sure I’ll die if I ever have to put on a heel again.  Taking suggestions for what flat-ish (or wedge! I can do a wedge!) shoes you would pair with these beauts.  Also another plus is that you can dress them up or down so basically they go with anything and the high waist is flattering and non-revealing.  Again, purchase justified, even if they’ve only been as far as my sidewalk so far.  

I’d love to hear what you thought of this book if you’ve read it, and this look if you’ve shopped it or are thinking about it!  Leave me a comment or send me a message on IG @thetrendyreader!  Stay safe, stay warm!

Happy Reading!



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